A short history of Little Robin Reiki

Female brunette with towel on head after shower shaving face with foam and blade looking away.

Hi I’m Elaine and I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you a bit about what brought me to you today.

I first heard about Reiki while attending a dance holiday weekend.  It was offered along with massage treatments as a way to relax after dancing all day. I had no idea what it involved but as I knew the therapist, I decided to throw caution to the wind and try it.

It was a lovely experience and very relaxing. I did feel emotional afterwards and learnt that this was perfectly normal.

During the next few years, I had a reiki treatment whenever the opportunity presented itself to me and just enjoyed the results

Following a particularly rewarding Reiki session I decided to look a little deeper into it. I always thought that the Reiki practitioners had a special calling for that work and didn’t think for a moment that it was something that could be taught.

‘I want to do that’ I thought so started searching for an appropriate course.

In May 2018 I signed up to a course being taught locally and began my love of working with energy. 

My 1st degree was completed in June 2018 and I went on to practice my new skills on myself primarily and my friends and family.  

By September 2018 I was ready to commence with my 2nd degree which I completed in May 2019. I quickly gained confidence by encouraging more friends and colleagues to let me treat them.  The results, even with those who were sceptical to begin with, spoke for themselves and many returned for further treatments

My Master/Teacher degree followed in May 2019 and I am now able to pass the teaching on and to guide people down this amazing path.

My learning doesn’t end there though and I have completed a course on working with Crystals and am at present working on developing an even deeper healing process.

Look forward to meeting you all soon!


Distance healing during covid-19